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News |
News: 11/12/03 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 06/14/03 - The new songs, and the video of the first CollpaseNR album. 06/11/03 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 05/19/03 - Click here to see the Kiss Expo 2003's photos - from Brazil. 05/01/03 - Click Here to see the december-january's most downloadeds mp3 files. 04/18/03 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 03/21/03 - Avaiable, on the mp3 section, the complete album from the brazilian heavy metal band Lethal Fear. 02/09/03 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 09/02/03 - Click Here to see the december-january's most downloadeds mp3 files. 11/30/02 - The show got vacations for a indefinite time... 18/11/02 - See the pictures from the Absolute Metal Festival. 18/11/02 - See the pictures from Golpe de Estado, that cames in our show in 10/26. 11/16/02
- Eduardo Maia announces, in the air, the end of the show, next 11/30! Because the sponsors shortage, personal problems of the main (that almost take him whole time) and, mainly, lack of support of a part of the people that "lover" the Rock, the team solved, from common agreement, to cancel the show, starting from next 30. 10/26/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 10/26/02 - Coda Project 6 - Golpe de Estado - Click here to see the home page of the event, that will happen in next 10/26. 05/10/02 - Edge Of Thorns is interviewed in our program, throwing in first-hand your CD. 05/10/02 - Gustavo, member of Mr.Fryi'n, was here, talking about the 1st. CD Demo of the band. 09/16/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 08/28/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 08/24/02 - The party of the Coda On Line Fourth Birthday happens , and the band Os Inocentes attend our program for a live interview. See more pictures clicking here. The band also play in the Coda Project 5 Show. 08/14/02 - Defined the party of 4th. birthday of the program. 08/08/02 - COL was to check Blind Guardian news conference in São Paulo, the first before the Brazilian tour. Click here and see the pictures. 07/30/02 - Now, we put in our site the Letal band mp3's files for free download! 07/28/02 - Inserted page with the Top Mp3 Downloads. 07/20/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 06/28/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 06/22/02 - Started one more monthly block: "Barulho" with Délcio Padovani Jr., our show collaborator and responsible by the our site section CD-Collection. The "Barulho" will bring monthly the best of the Garage Rock, Stoner and "another things". 06/15/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 05/29/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 05/13/02 - See the pictures of Sodium band, during the Mogi Guaçu artists' Show, in the Expoguaçu Fair, 05/04/02, by clicking here. 05/11/02 - We was to check the party of 30 years from Led Slay, one of the largest and more traditional rock houses from São Paulo. Check the pictures from the shows of the bands Saga, Fates Prophecy, Dr. Sin and Viper, with the presence of illustrious like André Matos from Shaman, Paulo Thomaz from Baranga and Yves Passarell, current member from Capital Inicial, by clicking here. 05/11/02 - Presentation of the interviews with the bands Raimundos and Sepultura, recorded in 05/04/02. See the pictures of the interview with the Sepultura clicking here. 05/04/02 - COL places in the air, Digão, The Raimundos's vocal, live road telephone, commenting about the innovations of the band, before the show in Sorocaba, opening for Sepultura, in a participation of our brother Edivaldo Maia. See the pictures, clicking here. 05/04/02 - Nervochaos, a death metal band from São Paulo comes to our show to an alive interview. 04/13/02 - We bring to you the mp3 free files from Executer, Wild Shark and Le Fou, in high quality. Click here to download the files. 04/09/02 - The CD-Collection secction is updated. 04/06/02 - Executer, a thrash metal band from Amparo-SP, comes to our show for an interview. 03/24/02 - Now, we put in our site the Insignia band mp3's files for free download! 03/23/02 - The Sodiúm and Guerrilha bands comes to COL to disclose the show that will happen on April 07, in Expoguaçu. In the opportunity, they granted a live interview. See in the photo, that was taken in front of our radio station, the members of the two bands. In this day, also came to COL the member of Insignia band, that will also play in the show. See the band's photos, by clicking here. 02/14/02 - We inaugurates in the site a new section: CD-Collection, that will be updated biweekly by our friend and collaborator Delcio Padovani Júnior. 02/09/02 - Le Fou, a legendary band from Mogi Guaçu, that came back 2 years ago, and opened the Velhas Virgens's show from Projeto Coda, come to our show, playing some music of your Demo CD. 02/02/02 - Vira Latass, a band from Piracicaba, comes to our show for an interview, and plays your Demo CD. 02/02/02 - Starting from this date, the 95 Graus block become a monthly block of 1 hour. 01/29/02 - The news section is finally updated. 01/26/02 - An alive interview with the one of the largest Campinas's hard rock bands: Rei Lagarto. It still rolled a special block with music of the new CD: Free Fall. 12/29/01 - Also we play, in first hand, the 1st. CD Demo of Disorder Of Rage a alternative band from Mogi Guaçu. Click here, to see in the set list 01/12/02 - Presence of the bands Disorder Of Rage (Mogi Guaçu), Sangrena (Amparo), Lethal Fear (Amparo) and Collapse NR (Mogi Mirim), with interviews, live. 12/29/01 - COL throws, in first hand, the 1st. CD Demo of the band from Mogi Guaçu Disorder Of Rage. Click here, to see in the set list the music that we played. 09/22/01 - One more release, in first-hand for the Area: The new CD of Tuatha de Danann. 09/15/01 - Live in COL the members of Claustrophobia, a trash band, for an interview, before the presentation in the 2nd. Itapira's Rock And Heavy Festival of Itapira. 08/25/01 - COL makes a 3 years birthday's party and gathered, in a supershow, 3 of the biggest bands from Brazil: Made In Brazil, Dr. Sin. and Ratos de Porão. Before it, the 3 bands was alive in COL for an interview. The super-show was opening for 2 bands from Mogi Guaçu: Guerrilla and Disorder Of Rage. Click here to see the photos: Made In Brazil, Dr. Sin or Ratos de Porão. Clique to see the Show's Home Page. Click here to see the realese made by Fabio Kill for The Chose Your Side Zine. Click and see another realease our show, ( Portugal)! 08/11/01 - Wild Shark, a hard an heavy band from Mogi Guaçu release your first Demo CD in our show. 08/04/01 - Lethal Fear heavy metal band from Amparo, comes to our program for an interview, playing your 1st. demo. 07/07/01 - Fábio Gonçalves, The Choose Your Side's editor, comes to our show for an interview. 09/06/01 - One week after promoting Wry's CD, we interviewed, through telephone, Mario Bros, the vocalist and guitarist of the band, directly from the Circadélica Festival, in Sorocaba. /06/02/01 - Coda On Line promotes the CD " Heart Experience " by the great Sorocaba's band Wry. 03/31/01 - Korzus, one of the best brazilians band, played in the Coda Project 3, and destroyed! Before it, comes to our program for an interview. By clicking here, you'll see the event's Home Page. 03/24/01 - Who was here, alive, was the members of Lé'd Zépaulin, showing your new release . 02/10/01 - COL rolls, in first-hand, some next album's music of 365, that doesn't have release date stipulated. 02/03/01 - Coda On Line makes the Coda Project 2, with Velhas Virgens, one of the competed rock events of the year. In the same day, the band makes an acoustic one special in our show. Click here to see the Coda Project 2 photos. 01/20/01 - We make one more transmission, with flashes alive, directly from the city of the rock, through our friend and member, Júnior Pessine from the telephone, showing everything that is rolling on the second Saturday of the Rock In Rio 3. 01/13/01 - We transmited flashes alive, directly from the city of the rock, through our friend and member, Júnior Pessine, showing everything that is rolling on on the second Saturday of the Rock In Rio 3. 12/23/00 - The Collapse NR, alternative band from Mogi Guaçu, comes to the show for a live interview. 11/10/00 - Coda On Line released The Coda Project, seeking to put back Mogi Guaçu and Area in the route of the greatest Brazilian bands of rock. In the 1st show, played Patrulha do Espaço, a traditional brazilian rock and roll band. Click here to see the Coda Project 1 Home Page. 10/14/00 - COL transmits live flashes, directly from the Bando MC'S Rebellion Confraternization in Mogi Guaçu. There was a presence of several bands, among them Wild Shark, band of our friend Alexandre, that would come to be one of the members of our program. 10/02/00 - We make an interview with Mark Ramone & The Intruders, in The Sorocaba's show house, Stratocaster. Click and see the pictures. 08/05/00 - One of the biggest bands of Rock And Roll of Brazil, Patrulha do Edpaço, was interviewed in our show. Recording done by our friend and brother, Edivaldo Maia, from Stratocaster, in Sorocaba. 07/29/00 - We placed on the air an exclusive interview with the members of the band from Alagoas " Mopho ", revelation of 2000, done by Eduardo Maia and Júnior Pessine, in the Gallery of the Rock in São Paulo. 07/22/00 - COL presents an interview with Made In Brazil, done by our friend and brother, Edivaldo Maia, in Araçoiaba da Serra. 07/09/00 - The COL team visited the back stages of the Titãs's show, in the Industry, Agricultural Serviços, and Trade Fair of Mogi Guaçu. See the event pictures clicking here. The interview with the band went to the air in our program on 07/15/00. 06/08/00 - We talked with the personnel of the Capital Inicial band, in the release of your new show, " Acoustic MTV ", in the Excalibur show house. Click here to see the photos. The recording of the interview went to the air on the 06/10/00. 05/27/00 - One more interview of a great band is going to the air from COL: Paralamas do Sucesso, that played in Red Eventos, and it was interviewed by our friend Júnior Pessine.. 04/29/00 - COL places in the air a live interview, through telephone, with Oficina G-3'S personnel, during the sound passage for a show that would happen in the same day, in the Cerâmica Clube, Mogi Guaçu Click here to see the photos of the interview. 04/27/00 - The hardcore band, Los Hermanos, make a show in Mogi Guaçu and was interviewed by COL. See the pictures.. 12/25/99 - COL begins to transmit the sound of your show from the studio, through Winamp. Also, we begin to transmit the images trough a Webcam. We use a Creative WebCam Go! and the software InetCam v 2.2, that allows a number of limited connections to the video server, and video streaming, in real time. The audio and video transmission is made every Saturday, during the show, from 4 PM to 7 PM - GMT - Brazilia. 10/30/99 - Dragster, a Mogi Guaçu rock and roll band comes, making an acoustic one, live, in our show. 10/23/99 - Comes to our show, for the first time, the Club Rock Show members (larger rock show of the Area!), from the Clube of Itapira FM Station (91,1 Mhz - Saturdays - from 6 PM to 0 PM - Itapira - SP), Paulão and Leandro. 10/02/99 - COL release the first CD of the Death Metal band, D.B.T, from Mogi Guaçu. 08/28/99 - Interview with Godzilla, a hardcore band from Mogi Mirim. "The Arabic Gum" a humor group from Campinas, formed by Arquimedes School students, comes for the first time to COL. 06/26/99 - "El Niño", rock and roll band from Mogi Guaçu, formed by ex Zenith members, comes, playing alive in our show. 05/15/99 - We inaugurated, officially, the Coda On Line Site (http://www.codaonline.com.br). 02/20/99/99 - We go to Bangalô Bar's inauguration, in Itapira, in a André Christóvão show, with the promise to an interview. The guy arrived very late, he made an interview for the Rede Globo, only speaking about your dog, and for Clube of Itapira FM Station(that recording never went to the air, and also speaking about the blessed dog!) and he forgot of us... The bar's crew was constrained, because we published free, during several shows, and we went there only for interviewing him ... There for 3 AM, they said for us that the guy would assist us later... Then, we ordered a message for him: " André, you don't need us, but in compensation, we don't need you... Even if you want, on that hour, we don't want more to speak with you. Bye, dear ... " And that, happily, was the only little star that we found during whole the path of our show... 02/13/99 - Coda On Line was the first show on the Station to inaugurate the new transmitters, that elevated the potency of 1.000w to 5.000W! Like this, the show will be being received by a larger number of places, that includes from part of the Campinas Area and the South of Minas Gerais. 01/23/99 - Xepa da Feira, another band from Mogi Guaçu, comes in COL, making a live acoustic show, and showing music of your new work. 12/26/98 - COL inaugurates a new block on the show: "The Listener's Block". 09/21/98 - Two weeks after winning two hours of duration, COL wins another hour, being with the definitive format of 3 hours of duration. 09/12/98 - Only 1 month after your premiere, COL wins more 1 hour of duration.. 08/08/98 - Day of our first show. Initially, with 1 hour of duration, and only playing the classic of the rock. |
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